
Recruiters welcome

You have some great clients who are looking for a professional rails developer – one who is experienced and product focused. You want to provide them with the best candidates you can find on LinkedIn , XING, Github or even Google.

But all comes down to timing. Understandably, you want to contact them directly and as fast as possible. Talk to them, get to know them. Confirm their skills and if they fit the profile. Your time is valuable. And they value their time as well. Engaged in one or maybe two highly demanding projects they are dedicating their whole effort to the client. As you do. So your mails remain unanswered for days or even weeks. Your calls get ducked. And that way maybe both of you miss out on a great fit for the client, the project and the professional freelancer.

Let’s fix this! There is a better way, a better time to check in. A perfect time to chat, to get to know each other. In German or in English, it doesn’t matter.

Just give me your direct mail address. I will contact you immediately when I’m available for new and amazing projects, new clients and interesting challenges.

I promise I won’t spam you with boring status updates. I’ll give you just a short heads up when the time is right. Then we can chat, get to know each other and see if there are some great opportunities for us.